Yokohama, located just south of Tokyo, is renowned for its picturesque waterfront and cultural attractions. Begin your visit at the iconic Minato Mirai 21 area, characterized by its skyline and the historic Yokohama Landmark Tower. The famous Yokohama Chinatown, one of the largest in the world, offers a variety of dining options and shops featuring Chinese culture, easily accessible via local trains.
Yokohama also features the Sankeien Garden, a traditional Japanese landscape garden that includes historic buildings. The nearby Ramen Museum is another popular attraction, highlighting Japan's beloved noodle dish and its regional variations. For those keen on maritime history, the Yokohama Museum of Art and the Cup Noodles Museum are educational stops. With exceptional train connections, traveling to nearby attractions such as Kamakura, known for its Great Buddha and beautiful temples, is very convenient. Book trains from and to Yokohama online at Rail Monsters.