The journey from Honjo to Gala Yuzawa is predominantly served by the Joetsu Shinkansen, with the Yamabiko and Toki services providing efficient options for travelers. The Toki Shinkansen operates at speeds up to 240 km/h (149 mph) and connects these two points in approximately 90 minutes, making limited stops at key locations. In contrast, the Yamabiko Shinkansen offers slightly slower travel, averaging speeds of about 160 km/h (99 mph), and takes around 2 hours for the same trip, as it adds a few more stops along the way.
Both train services feature Ordinary and Green class seating arrangements, providing choices for comfort during the trip. The Toki service is particularly favored by travelers looking for a faster journey, while the Yamabiko is preferable for those who might want to explore additional nearby destinations. Onboard amenities include free Wi-Fi, spacious seating, and restrooms, making both services a solid choice for a trip to the popular ski resort area of Gala Yuzawa.