Traveling from Kakegawa to Shinagawa is primarily served by the Shinkansen services, particularly the Hikari and Kodama trains. The Hikari Shinkansen operates at speeds of up to 285 km/h (177 mph) and takes approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes to reach Shinagawa, making fewer stops than the Kodama service. The Kodama, on the other hand, stops at all stations along the route and takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete the journey.
Both train types offer a range of seating options, including Standard and Green Class (Economy and First). Passengers can enjoy onboard services such as vending machines, clean restrooms, and luggage storage. The Hikari is preferred for its speed and efficiency, while the Kodama provides greater accessibility to intermediate stops, allowing travelers to visit various cities along the way.