Traveling from Nasushiobara to Tokyo is primarily serviced by the Tohoku Shinkansen, specifically the Yamabiko and Nasuno trains. The Yamabiko service is the faster option, reaching speeds of up to 240 km/h (149 mph) and completing the journey in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. This train makes fewer stops, optimizing the travel time for passengers heading directly to Tokyo.
On the other hand, the Nasuno train, which also uses the Tohoku Shinkansen line, takes around 2 hours, making additional stops at various stations, including Utsunomiya and Shin-Shirakawa. While the Nasuno provides more regional access, it requires a longer travel time.
Both trains feature comfortable seating options, with the availability of Ordinary and Green Class cabins catering to different preferences. The Yamabiko is ideal for those prioritizing speed, while the Nasuno may appeal to travelers looking to explore more along the route.