The journey from Yamaguchi to Fukuoka is primarily serviced by the Sanyo Shinkansen, specifically the Mizuho and Sakura trains. The Mizuho Shinkansen, known for its speed, can reach up to 300 km/h (186 mph) and covers the distance in approximately 1 hour and 5 minutes, stopping only at essential stations. In contrast, the Sakura Shinkansen, which makes more stops than the Mizuho, takes around 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete the journey, halting at stations like Shin-Yamaguchi and Kokura, allowing passengers to access more regional areas along the way.
Both train types offer Ordinary and Green class seating options, catering to different comfort preferences. The Mizuho is suited for those prioritizing speed, while the Sakura provides opportunities to explore intermediate destinations. Passengers can enjoy onboard services, including refreshments and spacious seating, enhancing their travel experience.