
Majmaah to Qurayyat Trains

Majmaah to Qurayyat Train Tickets & Timetable

The Majmaah to Qurayyat train service offers travel options with different classes available for passengers. Departures from Majmaah Station usually include direct trains that provide a comfortable journey to Qurayyat. It is advisable to book tickets online to take advantage of the best prices on the market. The price range for a one-way ticket is approximately SAR 150–180 (around $40–48 USD). For up-to-date timetable information, including ticket availability and class options, visit the search page to explore all possibilities. The online schedule ensures that you have access to real-time updates on Majmaah to Qurayyat train times and prices.

Majmaah to Qurayyat Train Overview

The train route from Majmaah to Qurayyat offers a direct connection between these two cities in Saudi Arabia. The distance by train is approximately 950 km (590 miles), with a travel time of around 10 hours. The train operates at speeds up to 200 km/h (124 mph), providing a reliable means of transportation. Trains depart from Majmaah periodically throughout the day, ensuring flexibility in travel plans. Ticket prices start from approximately SAR 150 (USD 40) for standard seating. Key stations along the route may include intermediate stops at major towns. Book your trip online with Rail Monsters.

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Majmaah to Qurayyat Train Map

Majmaah to Qurayyat Train Map
Plan your trip from Majmaah to Qurayyat, traveling via the Riyadh-Qurayyat Railway. This route takes you through prominent towns like Al-Makhwah and allows you to experience the rural landscapes of Saudi Arabia. Notable sights include the expansive desert vistas and small agricultural areas as you journey north. The line includes connections to the main transport system in Riyadh, providing easy access for broader travel in the country. This trip offers a mix of cultural and natural attractions, enhancing your overall travel experience.

How to Book Train Tickets Online from Majmaah to Qurayyat

Secure Payment Options
Enjoy a safe booking process with multiple payment options, including credit cards and other digital payment methods. Our online booking system offers secure transactions when you buy Majmaah to Qurayyat tickets.
Flexible Exchanges & Cancellations
We offer flexible exchange and cancellation policies for added convenience. Easily adjust your travel plans if needed, and modify your Majmaah to Qurayyat train tickets based on availability and fare conditions.
Book Official Tickets Easily
Rail Monsters provides official tickets for the train route from Majmaah to Qurayyat, ensuring a reliable and authorized booking experience. With just a few clicks, you can confirm and purchase your tickets online, and receive an electronic QR if available from the local Rail Operator.
Upgrade Opportunities with Reservation Service
Thanks to our reservation system, if upgrades are available, we will always try to upgrade your booking to a higher class at no extra charge when the price is comparable. Premium travel experience for our customers whenever possible.
24/7 Human Customer Support
Get assistance from our human support team, available 24/7 to answer your questions or assist with your online ticket booking. We're here to ensure the easiest booking experience.
Receive Your Tickets Instantly
After completing your booking, you'll receive an electronic QR code for train access via email, if Rail Operator provides this option; otherwise, a classic pdf ticket will be sent.

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FAQ about the Majmaah - Qurayyat Route

How much is the train ticket from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
The train ticket for the journey from Majmaah to Qurayyat ranges from 90 to 120 SAR (24 USD - 32 USD) for a one-way trip. Booking in advance can help you secure better prices and ensure seat availability.
What are the train facilities from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
Trains operating from Majmaah to Qurayyat typically offer comfortable seating, restrooms, and some refreshment services. For longer journeys, these amenities can help enhance your travel experience.
How to book train tickets from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
Booking train tickets from Majmaah to Qurayyat can be done easily through the Rail Monsters website or mobile apps. It's recommended to book your tickets well in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to ensure a stress-free experience.
How long does the train take from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
The train journey from Majmaah to Qurayyat typically takes about 5 to 6 hours, depending on the specific service you choose. This allows ample time to relax and enjoy the scenery during the ride.
What train service operates between Majmaah and Qurayyat?
The primary train service operating between Majmaah and Qurayyat is provided by Saudi Railways. Passengers can expect comfortable seating and amenities onboard, making the journey pleasant.
Can I buy a round-trip ticket from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
Yes, you can purchase a round-trip ticket from Majmaah to Qurayyat through Rail Monsters. This option can provide additional convenience and sometimes offers cost savings over buying two one-way tickets.
How much is the train ticket from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
The train ticket for the journey from Majmaah to Qurayyat ranges from 90 to 120 SAR (24 USD - 32 USD) for a one-way trip. Booking in advance can help you secure better prices and ensure seat availability.
What are the train facilities from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
Trains operating from Majmaah to Qurayyat typically offer comfortable seating, restrooms, and some refreshment services. For longer journeys, these amenities can help enhance your travel experience.
How to book train tickets from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
Booking train tickets from Majmaah to Qurayyat can be done easily through the Rail Monsters website or mobile apps. It's recommended to book your tickets well in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to ensure a stress-free experience.
How long does the train take from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
The train journey from Majmaah to Qurayyat typically takes about 5 to 6 hours, depending on the specific service you choose. This allows ample time to relax and enjoy the scenery during the ride.
What train service operates between Majmaah and Qurayyat?
The primary train service operating between Majmaah and Qurayyat is provided by Saudi Railways. Passengers can expect comfortable seating and amenities onboard, making the journey pleasant.
Can I buy a round-trip ticket from Majmaah to Qurayyat?
Yes, you can purchase a round-trip ticket from Majmaah to Qurayyat through Rail Monsters. This option can provide additional convenience and sometimes offers cost savings over buying two one-way tickets.
Learn more information at our
Country Guide

Buy Your Majmaah to Qurayyat Train Tickets on Rail Monsters

Book train tickets from Majmaah to Qurayyat with Rail Monsters: offering a 24/7 support team and mobile apps for iOS and Android to buy and manage tickets. Enjoy flexible bookings and cancellations, along with free class upgrades for our loyal customers. Compare train ticket prices to find the best options for your journey.
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