Can I buy a train ticket from München to Wien on the day of travel?
Yes, you can buy a train ticket from München to Wien on the day of travel. However, prices may be higher if purchased last minute. For the best selection and pricing, it’s advisable to book in advance when possible.
Is there a direct train from München to Wien?
Yes, there are direct trains from München to Wien available throughout the day. These services provide a convenient way to travel between the two cities without the need for transfers.
Can I buy a train ticket from München to Wien on the day of travel?
Yes, you can buy a train ticket from München to Wien on the day of travel. However, prices may be higher if purchased last minute. For the best selection and pricing, it’s advisable to book in advance when possible.
Is there a direct train from München to Wien?
Yes, there are direct trains from München to Wien available throughout the day. These services provide a convenient way to travel between the two cities without the need for transfers.