Can I reserve seats on trains departing from Shinjo?
Yes, reservations can be made for certain express services departing from Shinjo. It's recommended to reserve seats, especially during busy travel periods. Reservations can be done at the station or via Rail Monsters.
Are there direct trains from Shinjo to any airports?
There are no direct trains from Shinjo to any major airports. Travelers typically need to transfer at Yamagata Station to access onward services to either Sendai Airport or Yamagata Airport.
Can I reserve seats on trains departing from Shinjo?
Yes, reservations can be made for certain express services departing from Shinjo. It's recommended to reserve seats, especially during busy travel periods. Reservations can be done at the station or via Rail Monsters.
Are there direct trains from Shinjo to any airports?
There are no direct trains from Shinjo to any major airports. Travelers typically need to transfer at Yamagata Station to access onward services to either Sendai Airport or Yamagata Airport.