Shin-Fuji Train Station is situated in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, serving as a vital stop on the Tōkaidō Shinkansen line. The station was opened in March 1993 and is located approximately 4 kilometers from the base of Mount Fuji, providing stunning views of the iconic mountain. The station handles around 10,000 passengers daily and connects travelers to several major cities, including Tokyo (about 1 hour), Nagoya (approximately 1 hour 40 minutes), and Osaka (around 2 hours 40 minutes) via the Shinkansen service. Local trains also provide access to nearby cities like Shizuoka and Numazu. For those with layovers, visiting the Fuji Five Lakes, which are about 30 minutes away by bus, is popular. Additionally, the Fujisan World Heritage Center, located 5 kilometers from the station, is recommended for insights into the cultural significance of Mount Fuji. The station's proximity to major sightseeing spots makes it an ideal transit point for visitors.