Traveling from Akashi to Shinagawa, passengers can board the Shinkansen services, primarily the Hikari and the Kodama trains. The Hikari Shinkansen averages speeds of around 285 km/h (177 mph), completing the journey in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes thanks to fewer stops. In contrast, the Kodama service, while more frequent, travels at a lower speed of about 240 km/h (149 mph) and makes more stops, taking around 1 hour and 50 minutes for the same route.
Both train types offer standard and Green Class seating, catering to various budgets and preferences. While the Hikari is suited for those prioritizing speed, the Kodama provides greater access to intermediate stations, making it a better option for regional travelers. Amenities on board include comfortable seating and refreshments, enhancing the overall travel experience. For an expedited journey, the Hikari remains the top choice.