Traveling from Akashi to Shizuoka can be accomplished via the Shinkansen, specifically utilizing the Kodama and Hikari services. The Hikari Shinkansen is the faster option, capable of reaching speeds up to 285 km/h (177 mph) and completing the journey in approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes, with a few important stops along the way including Kobe, Nagoya, and Shizuoka. In contrast, the Kodama Shinkansen, while slightly slower, takes around 2 hours and 45 minutes to cover the same distance, stopping at more regional stations such as Nishi-Akashi and Himeji, which provides access to a broader range of destinations.
Both trains offer a variety of seating options, including Ordinary class and Green class (Economy and First), ensuring that travelers can find the comfort level that suits their needs. While the Hikari is preferable for those prioritizing speed, the Kodama serves areas not covered by faster services, making it a valuable option for local travelers. Onboard amenities are consistent across both services, featuring cushioning seating and refreshments to enhance the journey.