Traveling from Higashihiroshima to Fukuoka is efficiently served by the Shinkansen, particularly the Sakura and Mizuho services. The Mizuho Shinkansen is one of the fastest options, operating speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph) and covering the journey in approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes, with fewer stops along the way. The Sakura Shinkansen, while slightly slower, reaching speeds between 240 km/h and 280 km/h (149 mph to 174 mph), offers a travel time of around 1 hour and 50 minutes and stops at several stations, providing access to more regional areas. Both trains feature Ordinary and Green class seating, allowing passengers to choose between Economy and First class options, with the Green class offering enhanced comfort and additional amenities. The Mizuho service is preferred by those prioritizing speed, while the Sakura is beneficial for travelers wanting to explore more local stops.