Traveling from Higashihiroshima to Hiroshima is primarily serviced by the Sakura Shinkansen, which operates on this route. The Sakura is known for its speed and efficiency, reaching maximum speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph). The journey takes approximately 30 minutes, making it a quick transit option between these two locations. It provides comfortable seating in both Ordinary and Green class, catering to different traveler preferences.
Alternatively, the local rail service, known as the Sanyo Line, also connects these cities but operates at significantly lower speeds, typically ranging from 70 km/h to 90 km/h (43 mph to 56 mph). This service takes around 1 hour, offering a more leisurely experience with views of the surrounding landscapes.
Overall, the Sakura Shinkansen stands out for its speed and modern amenities, making it the preferred choice for those looking to minimize travel time, while the Sanyo Line is suitable for passengers who may wish to explore along the way.