Traveling from Iwakuni to Himeji is primarily serviced by the Sanyo Line, featuring the Sakura and Mizuho trains, which are part of the Shinkansen network. The trip typically lasts around 1 hour and 15 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 70 kilometers (43 miles). The Mizuho service is the fastest, operating at speeds up to 285 km/h (177 mph), whereas the Sakura train reaches speeds of up to 240 km/h (149 mph).
Both trains provide standard and Green Car options, allowing passengers to choose between regular and premium seating. The Mizuho offers fewer stops, making it a quicker option for those heading directly to Himeji, while the Sakura provides more opportunities to enjoy the scenic local landscapes, stopping at additional stations such as Kakegawa and Okayama. Passengers can expect various onboard amenities, including comfortable seating and light refreshments. Overall, the Mizuho train is best for those prioritizing speed, while the Sakura caters to travelers looking for a more leisurely journey with more stops.