Traveling from Kobe to Hamamatsu is primarily serviced by the Shinkansen, specifically the Hikari and Kodama trains. The Hikari Shinkansen, known for its speed and efficiency, can reach up to 285 km/h (177 mph) and completes the journey in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, making limited stops at major stations such as Osaka and Nagoya. On the other hand, the Kodama Shinkansen takes a more leisurely approach, with travel times around 2 hours, as it stops at more stations along the route, including Himeji and Toyohashi.
Both trains offer Ordinary and Green class seating (Economy and First), providing options for varying travel preferences. While the Hikari is suitable for those looking for the fastest travel time, the Kodama allows passengers to experience more of the local areas. Both services are equipped with amenities such as onboard food and beverage options, spacious seats, and clean restrooms, ensuring a comfortable journey.