Traveling from Kobe to Kitakyushu is primarily served by the Shinkansen, specifically the Sanyo Shinkansen, featuring different train types including the Nozomi and Mizuho services. The Nozomi Shinkansen operates on this route at speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph), and the journey takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, making it the fastest option available. The Mizuho, while slightly slower, takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes, as it also stops at key locations such as Himeji and Hakata along the way.
Both services offer a variety of seating options, including Ordinary and Green class, facilitating comfortable travel. Travelers can enjoy onboard amenities such as free Wi-Fi and food services. For those prioritizing speed, Nozomi is the clear choice, while Mizuho provides a more scenic route with opportunities to see additional sights.