Traveling from Saitama to Higashine, passengers primarily use the Yamagata Shinkansen, specifically the Hayabusa and Yamabiko services. The Hayabusa Shinkansen operates at impressive speeds of up to 320 km/h (199 mph), making the journey in approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes with minimal stops. In contrast, the Yamabiko service, which is slightly slower, reaches speeds of around 240 km/h (149 mph) and typically completes the route in about 3 hours, with additional stops at various stations such as Sendai.
Both train services offer Standard and Green class seating options, catering to different travel preferences. The Hayabusa is suited for those prioritizing speed, while the Yamabiko allows for a more scenic experience with its increased number of stops. Onboard amenities include spacious seating and food services, ensuring a pleasant journey for all passengers.