Travel between Tokyo and Hamamatsu is primarily serviced by the Shinkansen, with two main options available: the Nozomi and Hikari trains. The Nozomi Shinkansen is the fastest option on this route, reaching speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph) and completing the journey in approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. It offers limited stops, primarily at major stations, making it an efficient choice for travelers. The Hikari Shinkansen, while slightly slower, taking around 2 hours, serves various regional stops, including those in Shizuoka and Fujieda, offering access to more localized destinations. Both services feature comfortable seating options with Ordinary and Green class available. The onboard amenities include spacious seating and refreshments, making the ride pleasant for all passengers. For those looking for an expedited trip, the Nozomi is the preferred choice, while the Hikari provides a more thorough exploration of the area.