The journey from Tokyo to Nagano is efficiently served by the Hokuriku Shinkansen, featuring both the Kagayaki and the Asama trains. The Kagayaki is the fastest on this route, operating at speeds of up to 260 km/h (162 mph), and covers the distance in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes with limited stops, including Nagano Station. On the other hand, the Asama takes a bit longer, around 2 hours, as it stops at additional stations such as Karuizawa and Sakudaira.
Passengers can choose from Gran Class, Green Class (First Class), and Ordinary Class seating, catering to a variety of preferences and budgets. Both services provide comfortable seating and refreshments, making them suitable for all travelers. The Kagayaki is particularly recommended for those prioritizing speed, while the Asama offers more stops for those looking to explore regional attractions. Overall, both trains represent an efficient and comfortable travel option between these two popular destinations.