The route from Hiroshima to Kitakyushu is primarily serviced by the Shinkansen, specifically the Sakura and Mizuho trains. The Mizuho Shinkansen offers the fastest journey, reaching speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph) and completing the trip in approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. This service is noted for its limited stops, which include major stations such as Hakata in Fukuoka, ensuring a swift transit.
Alternatively, the Sakura Shinkansen also operates along this route, but with a slightly longer travel time of around 1 hour and 40 minutes due to more frequent stops, such as those in Tokuyama and Shin-Yamaguchi.
Both train types offer comfortable seating options, including Standard and Green class, with the latter providing more luxurious space and amenities. While the Mizuho is preferable for those seeking the quickest travel time, the Sakura can be advantageous for passengers looking to stop at more stations in between.