Traveling from Hiroshima to Shimonoseki is served by the Sanyo Shinkansen, specifically the Mizuho and Sakura trains. The Mizuho service is the fastest option, reaching speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph) and covering the distance in approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes with minimal stops. The Mizuho typically stops at key stations such as Fukuyama and Tokuyama, ensuring a swift journey for those prioritizing speed. In contrast, the Sakura train, while still efficient, takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes, making additional stops at stations like Kaitaichi and Shin-Yamaguchi, which makes it suitable for travelers looking to explore more areas along the route. Both train services offer reserved and unreserved seating options, as well as amenities such as free Wi-Fi and food carts. For a high-speed experience along this route, the Mizuho is recommended, while the Sakura caters to those who may wish to enjoy a slightly more leisurely ride.