For travel from Tokyo to Higashine, the primary service is provided by the Yamagata Shinkansen, known as the ‘Aki’ and ‘Tsubasa’ bullet trains. This line connects Tokyo with Yamagata and requires a transfer at either Sendai or Fukushima for Westbound travel. The Yamagata Shinkansen can reach speeds of up to 240 km/h (149 mph) and completes the journey in approximately 4 hours, depending on the selected train and transfer time.
The Tsubasa Shinkansen service is notable for its efficient travel, making fewer stops than the Aki service, which can result in a faster overall journey. The route takes passengers through scenic landscapes, adding to the charm of the trip. Both train options offer standard and Green class seating for various preferences and budgets. Onboard features include comfortable seating with ample legroom, as well as food and beverage services available for purchase. While the Tsubasa is the quicker choice, the Aki allows for more regional stops along the way, catering to travelers wishing to explore cities between Tokyo and Higashine.